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Corporate Strategies Case Study

Case Title:
Foster’s Group- A New product Portfolio
Publication Year : 2006
Authors: Philip Anil Kumar, Mridu Verma
Industry: Beverege Industry
Region: Australia
Case Code: COS0055P
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
Foster’s Group is a leading manufacturer of internationally acclaimed brands Foster’s Lager, Victoria Bitter and Crown Lager and wine brands like Penfolds, Rosemount and Wolf Blass. It was the world’s third most widely distributed brand. Since 2000, sales of international brands had fallen. In a bid to increase its sales revenue and market share, Foster’s decided to consolidate its beer and wine business. This case study discusses the reasons behind the fall in sales, its consolidation strategies and its attempts to become a major player in the wine segment.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To discuss the changing characteristics of the global wine industry
- To discuss Foster’s Groups strategy to consolidate the beer business
- To discuss Foster’s Groups strategy to enter the premium wine segment.
Keywords : Beringer Blass wine estate; Carlton & United beverages; Lensworth Group; Corporate Strategies Case Study; Scottish & Newcastle; SAB Miller; Mildara Blass; Rosemount; Penfold's; Lindemans